West Chester University
Division of Student Affairs
When the staff of the Student Development Department at West Chester University of Pennsylvania decided the best way to share their information with incoming first-year students was via video communications, they reached out to AVT Creative Services. The primary intent of the video was to display the various departments and services of the Student Affairs division offered to first year students.
AVT Creative Services Solution
AVT Creative Services worked closely with staff to coordinate and execute the promotional video for incoming students to learn what the campus had to offer to become familiar with the facilities and programs. For pacing and audience engagement purposes the video was broken up by departments and locations across campus. AVT Creative Services coordinated shoots at five building locations with a total of 15 different departments. The full production included on-site videographers recording b-roll of the locations and departments as well as access to AVT Creative Services' studio to record on-camera and/or student narrations; full postproduction that included editing of each department into up to 1 minute and 30 seconds highlights, as well as the creation of graphics for titles and transitions to keep the video well-paced and engaging for audiences.
A 3 person AVT Creative Services crew utilized Sony FS5 cameras, a gimble stabilization system and lighting on each scene. AVT Creative Services handled pre-production storyboarding and coordination of scheduling onsite at the University for interviews and B roll support footage over a 5-day recording schedule.
Postproduction services consisted of 2 AVT Creative Services in-house editors using Adobe Premiere Pro edit suites and After Effects.
AVT Creative Services delivered a fully encoded MP4 file of the final 22-minute project to West Chester University.